Data Recovery is retiring for Salesforce.

Do you have a Data Archival and Backup Strategy for Salesforce?


Customer Relationship Management (CRM), is nothing without the data captured in day-to-day operations this said data can discover valuable customer insights. These insights help companies to make successful business decisions.


Data is crucial for organizations and as the business grows the data also grows along with it. Organizations must plan and manage their data to ensure users are working with relevant and targeted data, and the less used data can be archived to a safe and secure storage location.


Archiving or a backup strategy is more important for Salesforce customers going forward; Effective July 31, 2020, Data Recovery as a paid feature will be ended and no longer available as a service. Please review the Salesforce help article if you would like to learn more about this change.


Key reasons why Archival should be part of your business continuity plan :

    • It is now a customer’s responsibility to have a well defined Data Archive and Backup strategy to avoid any data loss and ability to recover any lost data.
    • Reduce cloud data storage cost
    • Manage Risk and helps the customer to be compliant


At Tecnita, we have helped our clients to come up with a well managed Archival and Backup strategy for their data, by keeping the following points into consideration.

Customers need to know their limits to understand how much you can store in Salesforce. You need to take the following into account when defining your archival strategy.

    • Data Usage Trends
    • Monitor Objects that are responsible for the most data growth
    • Create re-usable dashboards to help identify what data to archive
    • Consult with your internal legal team before deleting any business data.
    • There are various Appexchange tools available to help evaluate your data trend, for example:



I will end this by saying in this Era of technology “Data is Gold” and we all need to ensure it’s well managed and used to help improve our Internal User and Customer Experience.


At Tecnita, we have helped our clients to come up with a defined Archival and Backup strategy for their data, contact us at

Mukesh Bhati
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